You come home from vacation to find a small pond that has materialized in your basement. Something in the house has leaked, overflowed, or exploded. Your first reaction? Panic.
Your second: How to get insurance to pay for water damage? Take a breath and skip the panic. The following steps are designed to help.
How to Get Insurance to Pay for Water Damage
- Determine the source of the water; take (reasonable) measures to stop it from flowing.
- Determine if your water damage is covered by your home insurance policy.
- Call your insurance agent and report the claim.
- If needed, hire a professional water damage clean-up company.
- Determine if you need to leave the home.
- Take photos of the damaged area and any damaged possessions.
- Meet with your adjuster.
- Understand your loss settlement: ACV vs. replacement cost.
- Meet with several contractors.
- Negotiate the settlement for repairs.